| Antifreeze Fire Protection Limitations and Design Calculations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses the available antifreeze products currently on the market in response to NFPA’s updated guidance to limit the use of antifreeze in fire protection systems... | $47.00 |
| Aplicar Requisitos Almacenamiento NFPA 13 Sistemas de rociadores (Parte 2) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso proporciona una introducción a los principios básicos de funcionamiento y los requisitos generales de almacenamiento basados en la edición NFPA 13. (Consulte también la Parte 1 de este curso de entrenamiento Entendimiento Requisitos Almacenamiento NFPA 13 Sistemas de rociadores). | $30.00 |
| Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) Fire Risk - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) use is expanding in retail, warehousing and distribution facilities bringing new fire risks that need to be considered... | $47.00 |
| Backflow Prevention in Fire Protection Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Backflow preventers, when connected to the fire sprinkler lines, have a primary purpose to stop water in the fire sprinkler system from flowing back into the water supply source... | $47.00 |
| Battery Calculations for Fire Alarm System Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss battery calculations when designing fire alarm systems... | $47.00 |
| Biometrics in Identity Verification and Security - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the types of biometric technologies and how they are used in the verification of identity in the physical as well as logical access control environments... | $47.00 |
| Building and Fire Code Considerations for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will review the differences between Codes and Standards and focus on how the building and fire codes are used when designing and installing a fire sprinkler system... | $47.00 |
| Business Continuity Considerations in Fire Alarm System Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will review the steps to be taken prior to, and during system design, to ensure that the facility will be able to remain operational after a significant event, in support of an overall business continuity plan... | $47.00 |
| CAL FIRE CEU Approved - Fire Pumps and Storage Protection - 10hr Online Course Instant Access - This 10-hour course is based on the California adopted edition of NFPA 20 ‘Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps’ and NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ and covers how fire pumps operate and their requirements as well as storage fundamentals and protection requirements. This includes how to select an appropriate fire pump type and size as well as how to measure performance. Types of storage and how to determine and apply the applicable requirements will also be covered. | $275.00 |
| CAL FIRE CEU Approved - Hydraulic Calculations for Fire Sprinkler Systems - 10hr Online Course Instant Access - This 10-hour course is based on the California adopted edition of NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ and covers evaluating the water supply available for the fire sprinkler system and hydraulic calculations. This includes discussing the common formulas for hydraulics and how they are applied to tree, loop and grid systems. Ceiling pockets and sloped ceiling will also be discussed along with the use of full-scale fire testing for performance-based fire sprinkler systems. | $275.00 |
| CAL FIRE CEU Approved - NFPA 13 CA Fire Sprinkler Systems - 10hr Online Course Instant Access - This 10-hour course is based on the California adopted edition of NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ and covers how the standard is organized, acceptable fire sprinkler system types and their applications, as well as fire sprinkler system design approaches and calculations for determining the number of sprinklers required. | $275.00 |
| Carbon Monoxide Detection Requirements - Recorded Webinar This presentation provides an overview of CO detection requirements based on NFPA 72 ‘Standard for the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code'... | $47.00 |
| Carbon Monoxide vs Carbon Dioxide – Differences and Detection Requirements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Both carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) have been recent topics of interest in the fire and life safety industry due to their life-threatening capabilities. This course will look at some actual events that brought attention to the risks associated with these gases... | $47.00 |
| Code Enforcement Fire Safety Inspections - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses what to expect during an AHJ fire safety inspection of an occupied building, typically conducted by a fire marshal, fire inspector or an engine company... | $47.00 |
| Combination Alarm Systems for Fire and Security - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss how an acceptable combination alarm system is defined, considerations that can vary by jurisdiction and building use... | $47.00 |
| Commodity Classifications for Fire Sprinkler Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will explore the important and necessary effort to determine the appropriate commodity classification for a stored item. | $47.00 |
| Communication Methods for Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the options available for fire alarm system communication based on Chapter 26 of NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm Code’... | $47.00 |
| Compatibility Documents and Listing Standards for Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss the various codes, standards and reference documents involved in fire alarm design with emphasis on compatibility documents and listing standards... | $47.00 |
| Design Fundamentals for Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover the fundamental aspects of fire alarm system design based on NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’... | $47.00 |
| Dry Fire Sprinkler System Design Considerations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the requirements for water-based fire protection systems to be protected against freezing, including the conditions that trigger mandatory freeze protection and the approved options for meeting the requirement... | $47.00 |
| Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Fire Sprinklers - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) fire sprinklers are commonly used in warehouse facilities with stored goods and highly combustible plastics where quickly applying a large volume of water is critical to controlling a fire. The presenter will... | $47.00 |
| Emergency Communications Systems Requirements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - NFPA 72 Chapter 24 covers the requirements for the installation and performance of Emergency Communications Systems (ECS) for in-building fire emergency voice/alarm communications systems and other communications systems. | $47.00 |
| Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course provides an understanding of how these systems work, why they are required in many new installations and the code requirements that need to be considered... | $47.00 |
| Emergency Response and Evacuation Training - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar reviews guidelines to assist facility managers in developing and implementing effective procedures for emergency response and evacuation training. | $47.00 |
| Energy Storage Systems - Fire Hazard Considerations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course provides an updated understanding of the types of Energy Storage Systems, related construction methods, and the serious fire hazards associated... | $47.00 |
| Engineer and Designer Responsibilities for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The insurance engineer, owner’s risk manager, fire protection engineer and fire sprinkler design technician each have critical and different roles to complete. This course discusses these roles and provides a basis for each discipline to participate... | $47.00 |
| Entendimiento Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores (Parte 1) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso proporciona una comprensión de los arriostramientos sísmicos para proteger las tuberías de rociadores contra incendios en áreas sujetas a terremotos y se basa en la NFPA 13. (Consulte también la Parte 2 de este curso de entrenamiento Uso y aplicación Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores). | $30.00 |
| Entendimiento Requisitos Almacenamiento NFPA 13 Sistemas de rociadores (Parte 1) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso proporciona una introducción a los principios básicos de funcionamiento y los requisitos generales de almacenamiento para los sistemas de rociadores contra incendios basados en NFPA 13. (Consulte también la Parte 2 de este curso de entrenamiento Aplicar Requisitos Almacenamiento NFPA 13 Sistemas de rociadores). | $30.00 |
| Entendimiento Sistemas de Supresión con Espuma contra incendio (Parte 1) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso se utilizará para analizar las aplicaciones, los agentes, los tipos de concentrados de espuma en el mercado, los componentes de los dispositivos de dosificación y descarga, los sistemas proporcionador de presión balanceada y sus las aplicaciones, así como las advertencias ambientales que se debe tener en cuenta. (Consulte también la Parte 2 de este curso de entrenamiento Uso y aplicación Sistemas de Supresión con Espuma contra incendio). | $30.00 |
| Equivalent Means and Methods with an Emphasis on Full-Scale Fire Tests - 4hr Course - Online - December 10, 2025 This course reviews the allowances found in NFPA 13 permitting the use of equivalent requirements and new technology... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Equivalent Means and Methods with an Emphasis on Full-Scale Fire Tests - 4hr Course - Online - May 28, 2025 This course reviews the allowances found in NFPA 13 permitting the use of equivalent requirements and new technology... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| ESFR Design and Obstruction Rules - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the requirements related to installation and obstruction rules for ESFR fire sprinklers per NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’... | $47.00 |
| Fire & Life Safety and the COVID-19 Pandemic - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - (FREE REGISTRATION) Expert panel discusses the NFPA guidance regarding the maintenance of fire and life safety systems for all commercial and multi-residence buildings during the COVID-19 Pandemic. | $0.00 |
| Fire Alarm Advanced Detector Layout - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will expand on the previous training courses related to initiating devices to cover building elements and considerations that must be accounted for when designing smoke and heat detector spacing... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Circuits Classification - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the various circuits that can be used for wiring a fire alarm system... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Code Update Process - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ provides safety provisions that impact most commercial projects throughout the country. This code is updated every three years, yet few people understand how the code revision process works... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Interconnectivity to the Fire Sprinkler System - 8hr Course - Online - May 14, 2025 This course covers the NFPA standards requiring water-based fire protection systems to be tested and inspected as per both the NFPA 25 and NFPA 72... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Fire Alarm Interconnectivity to the Fire Sprinkler System - 8hr Course - Online - October 22, 2025 This course covers the NFPA standards requiring water-based fire protection systems to be tested and inspected as per both the NFPA 25 and NFPA 72... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Fire Alarm Personnel Qualifications in NFPA 72 - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - (FREE REGISTRATION) This webinar will cover how NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code addresses personnel qualifications when working with fire alarm and emergency communication systems. | $0.00 |
| Fire Alarm Plan Review Documentation - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will outline what must be submitted for a proper fire alarm system plan review to be conducted... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Acceptance Testing - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers what is expected and what is required for the final acceptance testing of a fire alarm system... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Advanced Applications - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses advanced fire alarm system applications based on NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Advanced Calculations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will expand on the previous training course titled ‘Fire Alarm System Voltage Drop Calculations’ to discuss NAC circuit voltage drops, how to determine proper battery requirements, and how to calculate junction box fill requirements. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Commissioning - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The course will discuss the purpose and benefits of system commissioning as well as the process for commissioning including testing initiating devices for alarm conditions, testing tamper switches and other warning devices for supervisory alerts, and verifying that notification devices functions in the event of an alarm... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Communication - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss how this transition impacts fire alarm systems and will highlight the communications system requirements in Chapter 26 of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design Challenges During Installation - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will focus on the transition from design to installation for fire alarm systems and the common challenges that occur. The presenter will discuss typical job site... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design for Assembly Occupancies - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses the International Building Code (IBC) Group A (Assembly) occupancy groups with a focus on fire alarm system requirements based on each classification... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design for High-Rise Buildings - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover the fundamentals of designing fire alarm systems for high-rise buildings. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design in Cannabis Facilities - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The NFPA Standards Council has approved the development of NFPA 420 ‘Standard on Fire Protection of Cannabis Growing and Processing Facilities’ in response to serious fires that have occurred in these facilities where commercial production has been legalized. This course will discuss the pending NFPA 420 document and... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design in Educational Occupancies - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss sections of the International Building Code (IBC) and NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ related to educational occupancies for fire protection systems. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design in Factory Industrial Occupancies - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover sections of the IBC and NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ related to the fire protection systems protecting these structures... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design in Health Care Facilities - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Fire alarm systems in health care facilities have additional requirements that designers need to be familiar with. This course will discuss these design requirements for health care... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design in Warehouse Facilities - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course is based on the IBC and NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ and covers notification spacing requirements as well as using performance-based design options in large warehouse facilities... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Design Mixed Occupancy Challenges - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss sections of the International Building Code (IBC) on how multiple different occupancies are categorized, including the use of separation to facilitate fire alarm system design... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Emergency Control Function Interfaces - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover Chapter 21 of NFPA 72 focused on the emergency control interfaces connected to the fire alarm system such as elevator recall and power shunt trip. Also discussed will be interfaces with special locking arrangements, fan and damper controls, and doors used for smoke control. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Fundamentals - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers fire alarm system basics based on NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Initiating Devices - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Based on Chapter 17 of NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, this course will cover the design and spacing fundamentals for various initiating devices utilized in fire alarm installations... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Initiating Devices Continued (Part 2) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course continues the previous training course titled ‘Fire Alarm System Initiating Devices’ covering the design and layout of initiating devices utilized in fire alarm installations based on Chapter 17 of NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Notification Devices - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Based on Chapter 18 of NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, this session will cover the design and spacing fundamentals for various notification devices utilized in fire alarm installations. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Replacement - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will focus on understanding when a fire alarm system replacement should be considered and best practices for performing an upgrade... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Upgrade Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss designing an upgraded fire alarm system when an existing system is being replaced. Participants will review the applicable sections of the building codes that guide when a fire alarm replacement is needed including discussion on obsolete and damaged equipment. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Voltage Drop Calculations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover the different voltage drop calculations that may be required for modern fire alarm systems under NFPA 72 'National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code' when considering auxiliary power and notification devices. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm System Wiring - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will review the fundamentals of the building, electrical and fire alarm codes and how they relate to fire alarm system wiring for design and installation. | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Systems and NFPA 70 National Electrical Code - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will review the NEC layout and how this code applies to the installation of fire alarm systems... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Systems in Data Centers - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Fire alarm systems in data center facilities have unique challenges and additional requirements that designers need to be familiar with. This course reviews requirements found in... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Systems in Multifamily Dwellings - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Multifamily housing has been one of the fastest segments of residential building growth. This course will discuss sections of the International Building Code (IBC) and NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ related to multifamily dwellings for fire protection systems... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Systems in Special Occupancies - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The International Building Code (IBC) Chapter 4 focuses on special occupancies with specific criteria for these structures. This course will discuss the different types of special buildings that are identified and how the criteria impacts the fire alarm system... | $47.00 |
| Fire Alarm Wiring Installation Challenges - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course reviews common challenges that occur when wiring methods are allowed by code, but may be in conflict with the manufacturer requirements, as well as installation changes that may need to be considered based on field conditions... | $47.00 |
| Fire Detection Challenges with High Ceilings - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers key elements that must be considered when mounting smoke and heat detectors on high ceilings... | $47.00 |
| Fire Detection Technology Advancements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss the different sensing technologies that are being applied to fire detection to advance from the traditional spot type smoke and heat detectors... | $47.00 |
| Fire Doors and Egress Doors Inspection and Maintenance - Recorded Webinar his course is based on NFPA 101 and NFPA 80 to provide an overview of what doors are required to be inspected for fire rated assemblies and egress doors... | $47.00 |
| Fire Hydrant Flow Testing and Evaluating Water Supply - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - A key step in fire sprinkler design is to evaluate the available water supply needed to complete hydraulic calculations of water-based fire protection systems. This webinar will provide in-depth coverage of conducting hydrant flow testing based on NFPA 291. | $47.00 |
| Fire Investigations and Post Fire Response - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course is based on NFPA 921 ‘Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations’ and covers how fire investigations are conducted and what to do following a fire incident. | $47.00 |
| Fire Protection Considerations for High-Hazard Occupancies - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses several factors for the designer to consider and presents case study examples on how specific problems were assessed and resolved... | $47.00 |
| Fire Protection for High-Rise Buildings - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the unique fire protection and life safety challenges associated with high-rise buildings. | $47.00 |
| Fire Protection Guidelines for Construction Sites - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course provides an understanding of fire protection requirements during construction activities including new construction, facility renovations, and facility additions. ation and maintenance... | $47.00 |
| Fire Protection of Flammable/Combustible Liquids and Aerosols - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will explore the available protection criteria provided in NFPA 30 and NFPA 30B for flammable/combustible liquids and aerosols as well as the Factory Mutual Data Sheets 7-29 and 7-31... | $47.00 |
| Fire Protection Requirements for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) - 4hr Course - Online - December 10, 2025 This course explores the current state of fire protection for Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Fire Protection Requirements for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) - 4hr Course - Online - May 28, 2025 This course explores the current state of fire protection for Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Fire Pump Testing and Analysis - 4hr Course - Online - March 5, 2025 This course covers the requirements and procedures for fire pump acceptance testing found in NFPA 20 and those for the ongoing periodic testing as mandated by NFPA 25... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Fire Pump Testing and Analysis - 4hr Course - Online - September 10, 2025 This course covers the requirements and procedures for fire pump acceptance testing found in NFPA 20 and those for the ongoing periodic testing as mandated by NFPA 25... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Fire Pump Testing NFPA 25 Requirements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course provides an introduction to the basic principles and general requirements for the inspections, testing and maintenance of centrifugal fire pumps based on NFPA 25... | $47.00 |
| Fire Pumps – Design, Installation and Maintenance Considerations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course focuses on fire pumps and the important considerations for the design, installation and maintenance of this equipment as part of a fire protection system... | $47.00 |
| Fire Safety and Extinguisher User Training - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar provides an examination of general fire safety including the classification of fire hazards, standard best practices, and proper incident response procedures | $47.00 |
| Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances (NFPA 24) - 4hr Course - Online - February 19, 2025 This course examines the requirements for the components used in these systems along with the installation requirements... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Basics for Fire Alarm Designers/Technicians - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses the basics of fire sprinkler related devices that connect to a fire alarm system and is geared towards fire alarm designers and technicians... | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Design Approaches (Part 1) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar will lay the foundation of the design approaches permitted by NFPA 13. Based on Chapter 19, participants will learn the primary design approaches and when they apply. (Also see Part 2 of this training course Fire Sprinkler Design Approaches Continued (Part 2).) | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Design Approaches Continued (Part 2) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar will continue covering the fire sprinkler design approaches permitted by ‘NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’. (Also see Part 1 of this training course Fire Sprinkler Design Approaches (Part 1).) | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Design Area Calculations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar expands on the Fire Sprinkler Design Approaches courses. This presentation focuses on the application of the selected design area and permitted calculation approaches to determine number of sprinklers based on NFPA 13. | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Design Criteria for Storage – Ceiling Protection - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course is based on the 2019 edition of NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ and will assist participants in selecting the appropriate fire sprinkler design criteria for ceiling protection of storage occupancies... | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Existing System Modifications - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - While NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ is generally not considered a retroactive standard, there are situations where an existing fire sprinkler system installation must be updated to comply with the latest adopted edition of NFPA 13. This course will discuss these situations and the guidance for existing fire sprinkler system modifications found in Chapter 29. | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Freeze Protection (for designers) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar is geared toward designers and covers the requirements for water-based fire protection systems to be protected against freezing as well as considerations when selecting the best approach to freeze protection. | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Placement Obstruction Rules - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the obstruction rules for fire sprinkler placement as required by NFPA 13 'Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems'. | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler Plan Review Documentation - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Fire sprinkler systems require review and approval by the authorities who have jurisdiction (AHJ), including a plan review of the system design prior to installation. This course provides an overview of the documents that should be prepared and provided to allow... | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler System Design and Installation Update - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course is based on NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ and provides an update on the recent developments for the design and installation of fire sprinkler systems... | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler System Piping Support - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course reviews the essential requirements for the design and installation of hangers as required by NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’. | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler System Requirements for Storage - 8hr Course - Online - August 20, 2025 This course is based on NFPA 13 and reviews the key decision points to apply an approved design option for fire sprinkler use with storage applications... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler System Requirements for Storage - 8hr Course - Online - February 20, 2025 This course is based on NFPA 13 and reviews the key decision points to apply an approved design option for fire sprinkler use with storage applications... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler System Types – Part 1 - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The requirements found in NFPA 13 are covered including system uses and applications as well as general system topics such as area limitations, system size, valving, auxiliary systems, and venting. (Also see Part 2 of this training course Fire Sprinkler System Types Continued.) | $47.00 |
| Fire Sprinkler System Types Continued – Part 2 - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will continue covering fire sprinkler system types including preaction systems, deluge systems, combined dry pipe and preaction systems, multicycle systems, antifreeze systems, and exposure protection systems. (Also see Part 1 of this training course Fire Sprinkler System Types.) | $47.00 |
| Foam Restrictions and Alternatives – AFFF to SFFF - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) restrictions have continued across the United States and in many foreign countries, resulting in a need to transition to alternative solutions. With the development of Synthetic... | $47.00 |
| Foam Suppression Systems for Fire Protection - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will be used to discuss the applications, agents and the environmental factors to consider when protecting for Class B hazards. | $47.00 |
| Freeze Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Impairments and property damage caused by the freezing of water-filled piping is one of the most common issues impacting facilities. This course will cover the NFPA standards requiring water-based fire protection systems to be protected against freezing and the related maintenance required. | $47.00 |
| Fundamentos Bombas Contra Incendio y Requerimientos NFPA 20 (Parte 1) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso proporciona una introducción a los principios de funcionamiento fundamentales y los requisitos generales de instalación de las bombas contraincendios centrífugas basadas en NFPA 20. (Consulte también la Parte 2 de este curso de entrenamiento Selección y Desempeño Bombas Contra Incendio). | $30.00 |
| Fundamentos de Sistemas Alarma Incendios – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso cubrirá los conceptos básicos del sistema de alarma contra incendios basados en el Código Nacional de Alarma y Señalización contra Incendios NFPA 72. | $30.00 |
| Hazard Classifications for Fire Sprinkler Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses the importance and necessary effort in determining the appropriate occupancy hazard classification when designing a fire sprinkler system... | $47.00 |
| High Pile Stock Requirements for Sprinkler Design NFPA 13 - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Based on NFPA 13, this webinar reviews the key decision points to consider when determining and applying an approved fire sprinkler design option for a specific storage application. | $47.00 |
| How Fire Loss Impacts Code Development and Enforcement - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar will cover building and fire codes that exist today as a direct result of tragic fire loss such as the Great Chicago Fire, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, and The Cocoanut Grove nightclub fire. | $47.00 |
| Hurricane Storm Recovery for Fire and Life Safety Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - (FREE REGISTRATION) Strong hurricanes and tropical storms not only can cause physical damage to your building, but may also impair your fire and life safety systems. This webinar will highlight some of the key points of your fire and life safety systems that should be reviewed after a hurricane or tropical storm has passed when assessing the damage and restoring your systems to operating condition. | $0.00 |
| Hydraulic Calculations Basic Formulas - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Participants will learn how to use the Hazen-Williams formula along with the impact on hydraulics from pipe type, size, and layout. | $47.00 |
| Hydraulic Calculations for Fire Protection - 8hr Course - Online - July 30, 2025 This course introduces the participants to hydraulic calculations including sprinkler operating pressure, elevation pressure, and friction-loss... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Hydraulic Calculations for Looped Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar builds upon the ‘Hydraulic Calculations Basic Formulas’ and ‘Hydraulic Calculations for Tree Systems’ courses to cover more advanced calculation methods used for looped and gridded systems. | $47.00 |
| Hydraulic Calculations for Tree Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar builds upon the Fire Sprinkler Design and Hydraulic Calculations Basic Formulas courses to demonstrate conducting hydraulic calculations for a simple tree system. | $47.00 |
| Integrating Fire Alarm and Security Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will discuss integration between the fire alarm system and security systems such as card access control and closed circuit television... | $47.00 |
| Internal Piping Assessments and Obstruction Investigations - 4hr Course - Online - February 19, 2025 This course covers NFPA 25, Chapter 14 requirements for conducting internal piping assessments and obstruction investigations... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| Internal Piping Assessments and Obstruction Investigations - 4hr Course - Recorded This course covers NFPA 25, Chapter 14 requirements for conducting internal piping assessments and obstruction investigations... | $100.00 |
| Introducción a NFPA 13 Sistemas de Rociadores Contra Incendio – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Basado en ´NFPA 13 Norma para la Instalación de Sistemas de Rociadores´, este seminaro es un entendimiento de los cuatro principales tipos de sistemas, componentes básicos, objetivos de diseño, y principios básicos de instalación de los sistemas de rociadores contra incendio. | $30.00 |
| Introduction to Combustible Dust Hazards - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the fundamentals of combustible dust hazards, strategies to mitigate this risk, and a look at the NFPA standards addressing this hazard with the soon to be published, NFPA 660... ‘Standard for Combustible Dusts’... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Emergency Communication Systems NFPA 72 - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will introduce participants to NFPA 72 Chapter 24 which covers the design, installation and maintenance of Emergency Communication Systems... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Fire Alarm System Inspection and Testing - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will introduce participants to the inspection and testing requirements for fire alarm systems based on NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. This standard... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Fire Alarm Systems - 8hr Course - Online - August 13, 2025 This course covers fire alarm system basics based on NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Introduction to Fire Alarm Systems - 8hr Course - Online - February 12, 2025 This course covers fire alarm system basics based on NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Introduction to Fire Pumps - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar focuses on the use of fire pumps with fire protection systems and is presented based on NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps. | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Online - July 9, 2025 This course covers fire alarm system basics based on NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Introduction to High Pile Storage Requirements - Recorded Webinar This course is an overview of the hazards associated with high-piled combustible storage... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to NFPA 13 Fire Sprinkler Systems- Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course is based on NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ and provides an understanding of the four major fire sprinkler system types, the basic components... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to NFPA 14 Standpipes - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Standpipe and Hose Systems are a critical fire protection system designed for the use of trained fire department personnel. This course is based on NFPA 14 ‘Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems’ and discusses... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to NFPA 25 Water-Based Fire Protection Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (IT&M) of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems is one of the misunderstood and misapplied fire protection standards in use today... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers fire alarm system basics based on NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Residential Fire Sprinklers - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar will provide an understanding of NFPA 13R, NFPA 13D and the International Residential Code Section P2904 for residential fire sprinklers. | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Smoke Control Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - A smoke control system is intended to control the movement of air in a building and is part of the life safety systems present in the event of a fire. These systems can consist of multiple different components and use a variety of... | $47.00 |
| Introduction to Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems - 8hr Course - Online - April 30, 2025 This course introduces the attendees to water and non-water based fire suppression systems, which are used as an option to standard sprinkler systems or where sprinkler systems are ineffective with the hazard... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Introduction to Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems - 8hr Course - Online - November 19, 2025 This course introduces the attendees to water and non-water based fire suppression systems, which are used as an option to standard sprinkler systems or where sprinkler systems are ineffective with the hazard... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Introduction to Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This presentation provides an overview of the available special hazard fire suppression systems and the benefits of each type. | $47.00 |
| Maintenance Considerations in Fire Alarm Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Decisions made during the fire alarm design process can impact the lifelong maintenance of the system after installation. This course will give the fire alarm designer... | $47.00 |
| Managing Fire Sprinkler Installation – Design through Construction - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course focuses on the life cycle of a fire sprinkler installation project from due diligence and design to a successful construction phase. Often the focus is on the construction phase of the installation, however proper due diligence and design can expedite the construction process and result in less revisions and change orders... | $47.00 |
| Managing System Impairments and Use of Fire Watch - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover the necessary actions to effectively manage fire protection system impairments including the use of fire watch. | $47.00 |
| Manufacturers Data Sheets and Installation Instructions for Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover the specifications and instructions typically provided by manufacturers, including where to locate this information and how to interpret the data provided... | $47.00 |
| Mathematics for Fire Alarm System Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the major equations, formulas, and calculations that are necessary for proper fire alarm system design and installation... | $47.00 |
| National Electrical Code Calculations for Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course presents the NEC calculation requirements related to fire alarm systems as well as discusses rules for insulation types and how to handle wet locations... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 10 Fire Extinguisher Installation and Maintenance - Recorded Webinar This course covers the different types of fires along with the related types of fire extinguishers... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 13 2019 Edition – Reorganizing the Standard - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The 2019 edition of the NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems has gone through a complete reorganization. Learn directly from the Chair of the NFPA 13 Restructuring Task Group, Russ Leavitt. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 13 2022 Edition Update - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course highlights the most significant revisions to the 2022 edition of NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 13 2025 Edition Update - Recorded Webinar This training course provides a review of the revisions for the 2025 edition of NPFA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 13 Edición 2019 – Reorganizando Estándar – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - La edición 2019 de la Norma NFPA 13 para la Instalación de Sistemas de Aspersores ha pasado por una reorganización completa. Este curso comienza con la revisión de las razones por las que el Comité Automático de Correlación de Rociadores dirigió la reorganización. | $30.00 |
| NFPA 13D Prescriptive Pipe Method - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Residential fire sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13D ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes’ and the International Residential Code (IRC) Section P2904 are primarily life safety in their purpose... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 13D Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Online - June 4, 2025 This course covers the purpose of NFPA 13D residential fire sprinkler systems and the basic design concepts... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| NFPA 14 Standpipe Systems - 4hr Course - Online - March 5, 2025 This seminar covers the types and classes of standpipes, design criteria, installation requirements, and acceptance testing... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| NFPA 14 Standpipe Systems - 4hr Course - Online - September 10, 2025 Standpipe and Hose Systems are a critical fire protection system designed for the use of trained fire department personnel. This seminar covers the types and classes of standpipes, design criteria, installation requirements, and acceptance testing... | $0.00 - $100.00 |
| NFPA 15 Fire Risk Analysis for Water Spray Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - While the use of water spray systems for vapor mitigation has long been used in the industrial environment, many are unaware of the requirement for a Fire Risk Analysis as outlined in NFPA 15 ‘Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection’... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 20 – Fire Pumps - 8hr Course - Online - February 26, 2025 This course provides a review of the design, installation, and acceptance testing of stationary fire pumps... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| NFPA 20 – Fire Pumps - 8hr Course - Online - September 3, 2025 This course provides a review of the design, installation, and acceptance testing of stationary fire pumps... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| NFPA 20: Fire Pump Basics and NFPA Requirements (Part 1) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar covers the basic operating principles and general installation requirements of centrifugal fire pumps based on NFPA 20. (Also see Part 2 of this training course Fire Pump Performance.) | $47.00 |
| NFPA 20: Fire Pump Selection and Performance (Part 2) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar provides an introduction to the basic centrifugal fire pump performance guidelines and requirements based on NFPA 20. (This is Part 2 of the Fire Pump Basics training course.) | $47.00 |
| NFPA 20 Sizing of Fire Pumps - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Based on NFPA 20 ‘Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection’, this course covers the process of sizing a fire pump based on the needs of the water-based fire protection systems it will service. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 24 Fire Sprinkler System Underground Piping - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the requirements for the design and installation of underground piping systems as required by NFPA 24 ‘Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances’... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 25 2023 Edition Update - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course begins with a review of the scope and purpose of NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. The presenter will review the major revisions made to the standard for the 2023 edition... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 25 Fire Sprinkler Inspection and Testing Procedures - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses the fire sprinkler inspection and testing procedures required by NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems including main drains, water flow indicators and valve tamper switches... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 25 Inspection Frequency and Tagging Requirements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course examines the scope of NFPA 25 ‘Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (IT&M)’. Basic definitions will be reviewed as well as the IT&M responsibilities of building owners, AHJ’s and contractors/inspectors for these systems. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 25 ITM Overview - 4hr Course - Recorded This course is designed to provide an understanding and use of NFPA 25... | $100.00 |
| NFPA 72 2019 Edition – Significant Updates - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will review some of the significant changes made to the 2019 edition of NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 72 2022 Edition Update - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ is on a three-year revision cycle. This course will focus on the latest edition updates that are in the 2022 edition as well as some of the proposed changes for the 2025 edition... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Spacing Requirements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar is based on the NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code and will focus on the spacing requirements of automatic detection devices such as smoke and heat detectors. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 72 Speech Intelligibility Fundamentals - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - As new technology advances fire alarm and signaling systems, voice notifications play an important role in providing clear instructions to building occupants in an emergency situation. This course will focus on speech intelligibility according to Chapter 24 requirements and Annex D guidance found in NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 72 Two-Way Communications Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the two-way communications systems referred to in NFPA 72 'National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code'. The presenter will discuss the sections... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 101 Egress, Exits, and Emergency Lighting - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses occupant safety in buildings from smoke, heat and other hazards created during a fire. | $47.00 |
| NFPA 409 Fire Protection for Aircraft Hangars - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course begins with a review of the different types of aircraft hangars and focuses on the fire protection requirements for Type I hangars... | $47.00 |
| NFPA 3000 Active Shooter Response Program - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - NFPA 3000 is the Provisional Standard issued to guide policy makers, first responders, and facility managers in being prepared for when an attack occurs. | $47.00 |
| Nitrogen Generators for Pre-Action and Dry Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers the requirements and considerations for using nitrogen generators in lieu of air for water-based fire protection systems protecting against freezing... | $47.00 |
| Non-Technical Understanding of Fire Sprinkler Systems Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will cover important fire sprinkler system design considerations for those that do not have a design background. | $47.00 |
| Partnering with Stakeholders for Better Fire Protection - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course explores the benefits of appropriate partnering with the various stakeholders of a facility to achieve better fire protection. The presentation will identify each of these stakeholders and how their involvement... | $47.00 |
| Performance-Based Approaches to Egress - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course covers when, where, and how to consider and apply performance-based egress approaches when unable to meet the code-prescribed egress... | $47.00 |
| Performance-Based Fire Protection Using Full-Scale Fire Testing - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar provides an overview of utilizing full-scale fire testing consistent with the NFPA standards for Performance-Based fire sprinkler design... | $47.00 |
| Protected Premises Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course focuses on Protected Premises Fire Alarm Systems as defined in Chapter 23 of NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code... | $47.00 |
| Remote Station Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will review the three major types of monitored systems (remote station, proprietary station, central station) and discuss the key differences and requirements for each type as defined in Chapter 26 of NFPA 72. | $47.00 |
| Residential Fire Sprinkler Calculations - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This presentation focuses on the residential fire sprinkler calculation options in NFPA 13. | $47.00 |
| Residential Fire Sprinklers: Homes to High Rise - 8hr Course - Online - March 26, 2025 The protection of residential occupancies is unique with its distinct requirements for the use and location of sprinklers. Systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R are strictly life safety in their purpose while those installed in dwelling units as... allowed by NFPA 13 are a part of a larger protection scenario. This course examines... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Residential Fire Sprinklers: Homes to High Rise - 8hr Course - Online - November 12, 2025 The protection of residential occupancies is unique with its distinct requirements for the use and location of sprinklers. Systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R are strictly life safety in their purpose while those installed in dwelling units as... allowed by NFPA 13 are a part of a larger protection scenario. This course examines... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Risk Analysis for Emergency Communication Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - A risk analysis is the basis for designing an emergency communication system as it considers the unique characteristics of the building areas being covered and the type of occupants. This course will discuss completing a risk analysis as required by standards such as Chapter 24 of NFPA 72 and NFPA 3000... | $47.00 |
| Security Door Control Systems Fundamentals - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - With the increased risk of criminal and terrorist activities, emergency lock down systems help protect staff and visitors from aggressors, but consideration for life safety egress needs is also important... | $47.00 |
| Seismic Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Online - April 17, 2025 This course is designed for those who have an understanding of seismic terms with a focus on the proper application of the requirements for seismic protection including flexibility, clearance, and bracing... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Seismic Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Online - October 8, 2025 This course is designed for those who have an understanding of seismic terms with a focus on the proper application of the requirements for seismic protection including flexibility, clearance, and bracing... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Seismic Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course focuses on the seismic protection requirements for fire sprinkler systems based on NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’... | $47.00 |
| Seismic: Understanding Seismic Bracing for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Part 1) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar is based on NFPA 13 and will discuss how to determine when seismic bracing for fire sprinkler systems is required and an understanding of the design objectives. (Also see Part 2 of this training course Using Seismic Bracing.) | $47.00 |
| Seismic: Using Seismic Bracing for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Part 2) - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar covers the use of seismic bracing to protect fire sprinkler piping in areas subject to earthquakes and is based on NFPA 13. Discusses structural framing limitations, determining piping seismic loads, and evaluating brace hardware, spacing, methods of attachment. (Also see Part 1 of this training course Understanding Seismic Bracing.) | $47.00 |
| Selección y Desempeño Bombas Contra Incendio (Parte 2) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso proporciona una introducción a las pautas y requisitos de rendimiento de la bomba de fuego centrífuga basadas en NFPA 20. (Consulte también la Parte 1 de este curso de entrenamiento Fundamentos Bombas Contra Incendio y Requerimientos NFPA 20). | $30.00 |
| Single Point Design Criteria for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The decades long use of density/area curves contained in NPFA 13 for CMDA designs have been removed from the 2022 Edition of the Standard for use in new sprinkler system designs and have been replaced with single point design densities over a specified area. This course will cover the history of the original basis for the curves along with their limitations... | $47.00 |
| Smoke Control Systems Design and Maintenance - Recorded Webinar This course will discuss the code requirements, design and tenability requirements necessary to complete a Smoke Control Rational Analysis study... | $47.00 |
| Sprinkler Layout and Positioning Under Flat and Sloped Ceilings - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course discusses the rules for layout and positioning of fire sprinklers under both flat and sloped ceilings based on NFPA 13. | $47.00 |
| Sprinkler Protection for Ceiling Pockets, Clouds and Skylights - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course focuses on fire sprinkler system design considerations for protecting these elements using standard spray sprinklers. | $47.00 |
| Sprinkler Protection for Miscellaneous Storage - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course reviews Miscellaneous and Low-Piled storage as it relates to the fire protection requirements of NFPA 13 'Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems'... | $47.00 |
| Sprinkler Requirements for Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course explores the current state of fire protection for Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)... | $47.00 |
| Stakeholder Responsibilities for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Understand the roles and responsibilities of the property owner, AHJ, and service provider as spelled out in the NFPA ITM standards. | $47.00 |
| Storage Fundamentals for Fire Sprinkler Design - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will provide an understanding of storage arrangements and what fire sprinkler requirements are found in NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’ to protect these types of hazards. | $47.00 |
| Storage Protection Using In-Rack Sprinklers - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will explore the full range of available protection options using in-rack sprinklers contained in Chapter 25 of NFPA 13 ‘Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems’... | $47.00 |
| Storage: Applying NFPA 13 Storage Requirements for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Part 2) – Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar provides an introduction to the basic operating principles and general storage requirements for fire sprinkler systems based on NFPA 13. (This is Part 2 of the Understanding NFPA 13 Storage Requirements for Fire Sprinkler Systems training course.) | $47.00 |
| Storage: Understanding NFPA 13 Storage Requirements for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Part 1) – Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This webinar provides an introduction to the basic operating principles and general storage requirements for fire sprinkler systems based on NFPA 13. (Also see Part 2 of this training course Applying NFPA 13 Storage Requirements for Fire Sprinkler Systems.) | $47.00 |
| Understanding 5-Year Sprinkler Inspections and Pipe Corrosion - Recorded Webinar This course provides and in-depth look at the NFPA 25 requirements for 5-year fire sprinkler inspection, testing and maintenance activities... | $47.00 |
| Understanding and Applying NFPA 25 - 8hr Course - Online - March 12, 2025 This course examines the scope and purpose of NFPA 25. Owner, AHJ, and contractor responsibilities are reviewed for issues such as accessibility, freeze protection, reporting, and safety... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Understanding and Applying NFPA 25 - 8hr Course - Online - September 24, 2025 This course examines the scope and purpose of NFPA 25. Owner, AHJ, and contractor responsibilities are reviewed for issues such as accessibility, freeze protection, reporting, and safety... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Understanding Dedicated Function Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will examine the use of Dedicated Function fire alarm systems as found in NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’... | $47.00 |
| Understanding Joint Commission Life Safety Requirements - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course provides an understanding of The Joint Commission and what specific areas fall within their jurisdiction... | $47.00 |
| Understanding NFPA 14 Standpipes - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course is based on ‘NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems’ and provides an introduction to the basic working knowledge of... | $47.00 |
| Understanding NFPA 22 Water Tanks for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course examines the scope of NFPA 22 ‘Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection’ including a detailed look at its purpose, types of water tanks permitted and specific considerations for installation and maintenance... | $47.00 |
| Understanding Proprietary Fire Alarm Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course provides an understanding of proprietary fire alarm systems and how they compare to systems available through open distribution. | $47.00 |
| Using Fire Alarm Systems to Release Fire Suppression - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Fire alarm systems connected to fire suppression releasing systems have specific criteria found in NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ that must be met in order to be properly installed... | $47.00 |
| Uso y aplicación Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores (Parte 2) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso cubre el uso de arriostramiento sísmico para proteger las tuberías de rociadores contra incendios en áreas sujetas a terremotos y se basa en la NFPA 13. (Consulte también la Parte 1 de este curso de entrenamiento Entendimiento Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores). | $30.00 |
| Uso y aplicación Sistemas de Supresión con Espuma contra incendio (Parte 2) – Seminario Web Grabado Acceso instantáneo - Este curso analizara el riesgo, el criterio de diseño aplicable de un almacén de líquidos inflamables en contenedores pequeños con sistemas agua espuma NFPA 16 y NFPA 30, Terminales de Almacenamiento de líquidos combustibles e inflamables en tanque. (Consulte también la Parte 1 de este curso de entrenamiento Entendimiento Sistemas de Supresión con Espuma contra incendio). | $30.00 |
| Water Flow Testing for Fire Sprinkler Systems - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - Participants will learn about using a public water system and why it is critical to understand the capabilities and limitations of the water supply prior to starting the fire sprinkler system design. | $47.00 |
| Water Mist Applications for Fire Protection - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course will be based on NFPA 750 ‘Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems’ and FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 4-2 titled ‘Water Mist Systems’. Also see the related course 'Water Mist for Retrofits and Advanced Applications' | $47.00 |
| Water Mist for Retrofits and Advanced Applications - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - This course builds upon the introductory course 'Water Mist Applications for Fire Protection'. The presenter will focus on the use of water mist systems to retrofit existing structures as well as specific applications with industrial fryers, data server rooms, and lithium-ion battery protection... | $47.00 |
| Water-Based Fire Protection System Freeze Protection - 8hr Course - Online - March 19, 2025 This 8-hour course covers the NFPA standards requiring water-based fire protection systems to be protected against freezing. Participants learn to identify and apply the items needed to be considered when making a choice on how best to provide adequate protection. Attendees will also examine the consequences of inadequate freeze protection versus the building owner's need for dependable and cost-effective fire protection... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Water-Based Fire Protection System Freeze Protection - 8hr Course - Online - October 1, 2025 This 8-hour course covers the NFPA standards requiring water-based fire protection systems to be protected against freezing. Participants learn to identify and apply the items needed to be considered when making a choice on how best to provide adequate protection. Attendees will also examine the consequences of inadequate freeze protection versus the building owner's need for dependable and cost-effective fire protection... | $0.00 - $200.00 |
| Webinar: High-Piled Storage – Commonly Missed Requirements This course focuses on some of the often-overlooked needs for protecting high-piled storage hazards and typical errors that can delay plan approval... | $47.00 |
| What Fire Sprinkler Designers Should Know About NFPA 25 - Recorded Webinar Instant Access - The course is to familiarize fire sprinkler designers with the NFPA 25 fire sprinkler, fire pump and standpipe inspection requirements... | $47.00 |
| What to Expect During Your Annual Fire Sprinkler Inspection - Recorded Webinar This course will focus on the annual fire sprinkler inspection and testing requirements and what a building owner should expect when the service provider arrives to provide this service... | $47.00 |