Seismic Protection

CAL FIRE CEU Approved - Seismic Protection and Fire Sprinkler System Support - 10hr Online Course
Instant Access - This 10-hour course discusses bracing and piping support for fire sprinkler systems with a focus on protecting these systems from seismic events...


Entendimiento Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores (Parte 1) – Seminario Web Grabado
Acceso instantáneo - Este curso proporciona una comprensión de los arriostramientos sísmicos para proteger las tuberías de rociadores contra incendios en áreas sujetas a terremotos y se basa en la NFPA 13. (Consulte también la Parte 2 de este curso de entrenamiento Uso y aplicación Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores).


Seismic Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Online - April 17, 2025
This course is designed for those who have an understanding of seismic terms with a focus on the proper application of the requirements for seismic protection including flexibility, clearance, and bracing...

$0.00 - $200.00   

Seismic Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Online - October 8, 2025
This course is designed for those who have an understanding of seismic terms with a focus on the proper application of the requirements for seismic protection including flexibility, clearance, and bracing...

$0.00 - $200.00   

Seismic Protection for Fire Sprinkler Systems - 8hr Course - Recorded
This course is designed for those who have an understanding of seismic terms with a focus on the proper application of the requirements for seismic protection including flexibility, clearance, and bracing...


Seismic: Understanding Seismic Bracing for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Part 1) - 1.5hr - Recorded Webinar
Instant Access - This webinar is based on NFPA 13 and will discuss how to determine when seismic bracing for fire sprinkler systems is required and an understanding of the design objectives. (Also see Part 2 of this training course Using Seismic Bracing.)


Seismic: Using Seismic Bracing for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Part 2) - 1.5hr - Recorded Webinar
Instant Access - This webinar covers the use of seismic bracing to protect fire sprinkler piping in areas subject to earthquakes and is based on NFPA 13. Discusses structural framing limitations, determining piping seismic loads, and evaluating brace hardware, spacing, methods of attachment. (Also see Part 1 of this training course Understanding Seismic Bracing.)


Uso y aplicación Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores (Parte 2) – Seminario Web Grabado
Acceso instantáneo - Este curso cubre el uso de arriostramiento sísmico para proteger las tuberías de rociadores contra incendios en áreas sujetas a terremotos y se basa en la NFPA 13. (Consulte también la Parte 1 de este curso de entrenamiento Entendimiento Arriostramiento Sísmico para Sistemas Rociadores).
